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Pembukaan acara parade musik dan bazar Unimus Economy Festival
The opening ceremony of the musical parade and bazaar in Unimus Economy Festival

Semarang │ April 15, 2017 As one of the implementations of students’ creativities, Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held a musical parade and bazaar in the front yard of Unimus’ Rectorate. The opening ceremony was attended by Drs. Triyono, M.M. (Head of the Undergraduate Degree in Management) who represented the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Riswanto, President of the Students, Nursendi Hidayat (Governor of the Economics Students and representatives of Unimus Student Organizations. The event is scheduled to be held for two days starting from today, April 15 to April 16, 2017. The event is one of a series of events named Unimus Economic Festival, whose participants include high school students, university students and others. Meanwhile, the musical parade has 10 participants and the bazaar was participated by 15 participants.

Peserta parade musik FE Unimus
One of the participants in the musical parade

Nursendi Hidayat stated that the musical parade and bazaar is the closing event of the Unimus Economic Festival that began on April 1, 2017. There were some preceding events such as regional seminar, photography competition, book review and design graphic competition. The festival aimed at training the students in terms of creativity, interest, talent and hobby in arts, music and entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, Riswanto said that “as students, wr have to think both critically and creatively as nowadays there are a lot of movements that unnerve the spirit of the student movement. We have to also be able to solve problems critically and develop innovations as the solutions. We are the generation who will build Indonesia in the future.

Mr. Triyono appreciated the committee for establishing the festival. In his speech, he stated that student activity was a good and right way to build motivation and creativity as well as as a form of very powerful energy for Unimus and the Faculty of Economics. He added that “Many things have weakened the spirit of the student movement as well as made Indonesia be in a little unfruitful situation. Thus, positive efforts and criticisms from students are good things. These efforts have to be started from self and then Muhammadiyah so that good moral characters can be built.” The event proves that Unimus always supports the development of the students’ creativities in various spheres. With the supports, it is hoped that the students can optimize their achievements either academically or non-academically.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.
