Anniversary does not always mean glamorous party. In this case, Unimus celebrate the 107th Milad Muhammadiyah by organising several beneficial events to society surrounded it. “There are at least 4 agenda held on Thursday (12/12/2019) in RSGM Hall of Unimus and Nursing laboratory in NRC Unimus, such as “pengajian Akbar” free medical check-up, free distribution of nine basic necessities (sembako) and mass circumcision. Besides, 150 sembako packages are ready to be distributed to people surround Unimus.” Explained Head of LSIK Unimus, Rohmat Suprapto.
Hundreds of people consisting Unimus employees and public were enthusiastically participated in the Muslim Forum entitled “Filantropi Muhammadiyah dalam Konteks Keumatan & Kebangsaan”. This event was moderated by Rohmat Suprapto, M.Si. and invited Drs. Widadi, S.H. and Unnes lecturer, Danni Muhtadah, M.Ag, Ph.D. as the speaker. From this agenda, it can be drawn a conclusion that as good moslem, we need to create a culture of giving, caring, sharing in the form of money, action, and mind for ummah and nation.
The event then finally was closed by mass circumcision participated by 7 kids who live in Unimus vicinity. This events was held by the cooperation of Lazismu Unimus and PKU Muhammadiyah Gubug. Hopefully, all set of events will bring many benefits to many people.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol