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Penyerahan surat tugas dari Wakil Rektor I kepada peserta Summer Program-CourseSemarang │(07/07/2017) Students and lecturers of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) is again involved in an international activity. This time, they depart to Taiwan to attend a Summer Program-Course entitled “Introduction of Chinese Medicine and Crossculture Bioethics“. Vice Rector I (Dr. Sri Darmawati., M.Si.), Vice Dean I of the Faculty (Dr. Tri Hartiti, S.K.M., M.Kep.), Vice Dean II (Dr. Ali Rosidi, S.K.M., M.Si.) and Head of Study Program of Nursing and some senior leaders at Unimus attended the departure ceremony for them. The Summer Program-Course will be held in 2 weeks, between July 17 and July 28, 2017.

Those departing to Tainan, Taiwan are three nursing students such as Imran Pashar (Undergraduate Program in Nursing), Faris Yulian Pratama (Undergraduate Program in Nursing) and Nafisatun Nisa (Professional Program in Nursing) and two lecturers such as Ns. Machmudah., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Mat and Ns. Tri Nurhidayati., S.Kep., M.Med.Ed. This program is held by the College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Tainan, Taiwan. Through this event, the student and lecturers are expected to update their knowledge about Chinese traditional medicine and Crossculture Bioetic at NCKU as a part of nursing courses learned in the study program. The event will also mark the beginning of a partnership between the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and Unimus. Moreover, the Study Program Secretary of the Undergraduate Program in Nursing (Ns. Machmudah., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Mat.) stated that the event will also be used for a Tracer Study and to visit the alumni that have been working at some medical clinics in Taiwan, besides to measure opportunities for the alumni to work in that country.

Penyerahan tumpeng dari Wakil Rektor I kepada perwakilan peserta Summer Program-CourseOn that occasion, the Vice Rector I gave advice to the students to keep living their own culture, be discipline and active in all of the activities as well as fullfill their obligations as Muslims during their time in Taiwan. “The point is to get knowledge as much as possible so that when returning to Indonesia, you can bring new useful knowledge and be examples for other students and juniors so that they will be motivated to join similar programs in the future,” she added. Meanwhile, the Vice Dean I in his greeting stated that the departure of them in the Summer Program-Course is one of Unimus’ efforts to take into reality one of their visions, which is globally minded. And then, the Vice Dean II expected that the event would become a preparatory stage for lecturers in the Nursing program to study at higher levels (doctoral programs) in Taiwan so that the internalization of the credo “Unimus with Excellence” would be real soon.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.
