Semarang | Sebagai salah satu upaya internasionalisasi Unimus serta peningkatan mutu di era global saat ini, Unimus kembali mengirim mahasiswanya untuk ke luar negeri. Sebanyak sepuluh mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran (FK) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang menjalani Student Exchange dan praktek elektif di Fakultas Kedokteran Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) Malaysia dari periode 15 – 22 September 2019. Sepuluh mahasiswa tersebut adalah Btari Khansa Alya, Kamala Nuriyah, Nabilah Aula, Fitriana Fadhilatul, Syifa Fatma, Lina Indah, Putriana Mayang, Cindy Choirunnisa, Ima Shofiah, serta Ulfa Rakhmawati.

The farewell ceremony was conducted by Dean of FK, Prof. Dr. Rifki Muslim, Sp.B., Sp.U. accompanied by Vice Dean and Director of International Relationship Officer (IRO). Dean sent the students off by delivering letter of assignment from Rector of Unimus in the meeting room of FK Unimus on Friday (13/09/2019). Prof. Dr. Rifki Muslim also said that “As students of Unimus, you have to maintain good name of yourselves, family, and institution. Because people considers you as smart personal, so everything you do and say will be observed.”

The agenda (Student Exchange) was the follow up activity of MoU between Unimus and CUCMS Malaysia several months ago. Students’ participation in this student exchange to Malaysia is expected to open their international insight and new experience to students.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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