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Semarang | March 30, 2017 Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) has just held the Best Achieving Student (Mawapres) election for university level, located in the Rectorate Building of Unimus at Jalan Kedungmundu Raya No. 18 Semarang. The event was held prior to the competing for province level.(Kopertis Region VI Central Java). Each study program delegated 1 student to compete in the competition.

Highly achieving students are those having high achievements in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular spheres in accordance with the determined criteria. In this edition, there were two categories of elections, such as best achieving student of undergraduate degree and that of diploma degree.

photo_2017-03-31_15-20-54The event aimed at appreciating what students of Unimus had achieved as well as motivating the students to take part actively in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular spheres for those can become media to cultivate either their hard skills or soft skills.

10 students from Undergraduate Degree in Nutrition Science, Undergraduate Degree in Medical Education, Undergraduate Degree in English Education, Undergraduate Degree in Food Technology, Undergraduate Degree in Statistics, Undergraduate Degree in Mathematic Education, Undergraduate Degree in Chemical Education, Diploma III Degree in Health Analyst and Diploma III Degree in Nutrition participated in the event. The aspects evaluated included the presentations and contents of innovative scientific works they had, and achievements in extra-curricular sphere in form of winner certificates.


The juries of the event were 1) Slamet Riyadi, S.Kom. in charge with innovative scientific works, 2) Muhimatul Ifadah, M.Pd. in charge with English skills and 3) Sukhamdi, A.Md. in charge with co-extracurricular achievements.

Here are the winners:

– First-place Winner: Yani Maghfiroh (Undergraduate Degree in Food Technology)

– Second-place Winner: Irma Khoirur Rosyida (Undergraduate Degree in English Education)

– Third-place Winner: Baratarini (Undergraduate Degree in Medical Education)

Drs. Samsudi Raharjo, S.T., M.M., M.T. as the Vice Rector for Student affairs stated that the winner of this university-level election will represent Unimus to compete in for Kopertis Area VI level.”

Congratulations to the winners of the university-level best achieving student election. Good luck in the next phases. Make Unimus proud.  (KM)


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