Semarang, February 6, 2018 | As a nurse, mastering knowledge and skills related to Basic Trauma and Cardiac Life Support (BTCLS) is a must. Having a certificate of BTCLS proves that he/she has taken training and had knowledge and skills in that field. Also, it will be decisive in employee recruitments. This condition then triggered the Undergraduate Program in Nursing at Unimus and Professional Program in Nursing in the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) to cooperate with the Emergency Ambulance Team of 118 (Tim Ambulan Gawat Darurat/AGD) 118 to hold training on BTCLS. AGD 118 was selected as the partner for it has been certified by American Surgeon Association, Indonesian Surgeon Association, Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine, and Indonesian National Nurses Association.

Training on Basic Trauma and Cardiac Life Support (BTCLS) will be held in two periods. Period 1 starts from today (February 6) to February 10, 2018. Meanwhile, the second period will be held on February 11-15, 2018. Taking place in the NRC Building at Universitas Muhammadiyah, 82 participants will participate in the 5-day training. The participants are all students of Undergraduate Program in Nursing and Professional Program in Nursing, which will be trained by Emergency Ambulance Team of 118, Jakarta. The opening ceremony was attended by Heryanto Adi Nugroho, Ns SKp., M.Kep., Sp.Kom, MCH, head of Professional Program in Nursing and Chanif, Ns., S.Kep., MNS, Chairman of Indonesian National Nurses Association for Unimus.

Training on BTCLS was important to hold in accordance with the study program’s objective to create excellent nurses in emergency nursing. Besides, it will become one of the graduates ‘equipments’ to deal with the society because basic skill for traumatic patient becomes one of the main requirements for nurses that will work at hospitals, clinics, and any other health facilities. As we know, nurses are in the front line when dealing with health services. And, health workers are demanded to always improve their knowledge to be able to adapt with the latest nationally-standardized as well as internationally-standardized technology in health sector so that they can operate each new tool properly based on the procedures.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol