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Dr. Haerudin, MT., Dr. Djoko Setyo Hartono, SE. MM.SH. M.Kn., Agus Srururi, S.Pd, M.MPar Memberikan materi Seminar
Dr. Haerudin, M.T., Dr. Djoko Setyo Hartono, S.E., M.M., S.H., M.Kn., Agus Srururi, S.Pd., M.MPar. when giving speech in the seminar

Semarang, February 25th, 2017 In collaboration with Human Resources Department Community (PHRD) of Central Java province, the Study Program of Management of Unimus held Seminar and Workshop (Semiloka) entitled “The Smart Way to Make Your Dream Job Come True”. In such a good opportunity, Dra. Nurhidayati (Division Head of Job Placement of Central Java Province Manpower and Transmigration Office), who represented the Governor, became one of the guest speakers. The event was also attended by Agus Srururi, S.Pd., M.M.Par.” (Area Director of Human Resources Inter Continental Hotels Group – Java/ Director of HRD Crown Plaza – Semarang), “Theresia Kartika Wardhani, S.Psi, M.M., CPHRM (Owner and Senior Consultant of PT. Indonesia People Power), Dr. Haerudin, M.T. and Dr. Djoko Setyo Hartono, S.E., M.M., S.H., M.Kn. (Senior Lecturers of the Faculty of Economics of Unimus), and also participants from companies and college students in Semarang.

The event aimed at preparing the graduates of the Faculty of Economics (FE) of Unimus to compete at work, which is getting tougher right now, especially with the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). It has been a challenge for higher education institutions to create quality graduates who will be competitive not only in the domestic but also international spheres.

Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Unimus stated in the welcome speech that “…in order to prepare graduates competitive at work, seminars like this are a smart way to create human resources who will be able to find a job, to provide companies qualified employees that match with their criteria. Human resource is a very valuable capital resource so that the event will useful fo becoming a medium to share knowledge for either job seekers or students so that they can prepare to compete at work in the future. The event also aimed at establishing cooperaion between Unimus and PHRD in terms of Student Apprenticeship and Researches by both students and lecturers. Another purpose of the event was to provide information for job providers to look for workers as well as those who look for a job. The final purpose was surely to develop the Faculty of Economics.

Given the hard competition at work righ now and the availability of human resource required, the representative to the PHRD (Guna Prawoto) explained that “…difficulty to get the right employees has been a challenge for companies in Indonesia. The event event can facilitate both the companies and the university to get the right employees, who will match with what the companies required, hoping that job vacancies in Central Java province will be filled with people from the province, certainly with qualities that correspond to the criteria set by the companies or the job providers.”

On the other hand, the Vice Rector II (Sri Rejeki S. KP., M.Kep., Sp. Mat.), representing the rector stated that “…problems concerning human resources have been extraordinary issues that has to be dealt with by the government. Meanwhile, one of the big problems deals with the characteristics of the resources themselves. Quality Indonesian human resources are one of he major factors.” Thus, she believed that the quality of Indonesian human resources need to be enhanced, starting from the lowest to the highest level of education.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations & JIPC
