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Surakarta │(14/7/2017) Debating team of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) successfully went through the semifinal round of the National University Debating Championship (NUDC) 2017, an English debating competition for college students from higher education institutions in Central Java Province. The participation was aimed at improving the competence of graduates in the global era. The debating team was represented by Ira Handayani from Undergraduate Program in Nutrition Science and Mardiana Kamila from Undergraduate Program in Nursing Sciences. The competition was held between July 12 and July 14, 2017 in Siti Walidah Main Building, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS).

The participants of the NUDC 2017 were students from 40 higher education institutions in Central Java Province. Based on the accumulation point, obtained from preliminary round 1 to 4, Unimus’ debating team was in the top ten with 544 points. In this competition, the team competed with teams from Undip, Unnes, UNS, Akpelni, Polines and so on. In the competition also, the debating team had to deal with several motions (topics). In the preliminary round 1, for example, the motion given was about “feminist movement in developing country”. In the following round, it got the motion “regrets media portrayal of unrealistic romantic life”. Meanwhile, in preliminary round 3, the motion given was about “mental health”, and the motion in preliminary round 4 was “Supports Indonesia’s plan to move its capital”. Finally, the motion in the quarterfinal was about ”priorities establishing democracy over economic development”.

Inspite of not becoming the champion, the achievement of the debating team of Unimus is quite good. The achievement has been a proof of the real supports of Unimus for the students’ achievements in non-academic spheres, in addition to the academic one. Congratulations to the debating team of Unimus. We hope that you will always make Unimus proud in the future.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.
