Headmastes and schools of senior high schools and vocational high schools in Central Java, senior leades of Unimus, vice head of Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java, and senior leaders of Hatyai University in Hatyai University’s campus

Hatyai, Thailand | Unimus (January 29, 2018) A number of headmasters and teachers of senior high schools / vocational high schools either under Muhammadiyah or public schools took an international mobility program entitled “Benchmarking of Indo-Thai Education” or educational short course in Thailand for a week January 28 – February 2, 2018, accompanied by Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java.

The program was facilitated by International Relations Office (IRO) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus). During the program in Thailand, the the party was led by Dr. Sri Darmawati M.Si. (Vice Rector I of Unimus), Dr. Rozihan, S.H.I, M.Ag. (Vice Head of Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java and member of Unimus’ Daily Advisory Board) and Muhammad Yusuf Ph.D. (Director of IRO at Unimus). The school headmasters learned about active learning and middle and higher education system at Hatyai University in Thailand.

The team was greeted pleasantly by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anan Tipayarat (Vice President for Academic Services and Activity Affairs of Hatyai University), Dr. Patcharee Scheb-Buenner (Dean of Didyasarin International College ( DRIC)) at Hatyai University, and Dr. Kanlaya Tansakul (Head of Community Public Health Department, Faculty of Science and Technology at Hatyai University. Besides learning many things at Hatyai University, in this program, the headmasters also visited and learned at Prince Songhkla University and Vocational School of Hatyai (Hatyaiwittayalai School).

Dr. Sri Darmawati stated that senior higher schools and vocational high schools really needs to build and extend their international networks for improving the education in their schools. “It is also important as a point in the school accreditation as well as to give more insights about education in other countries as references and comparison,” she added.

Meanwhile, Dr. Rozihan said that Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board really appreciated Unimus for facilitating the school headmasters for the schools’ internationalization. “The school headmasters need also to know about primary, secondary, and tertiary education in other countries, e.g. Thailand so that they will be open-minded, unlike a big fish in a small sea. They will be more and more aware of their schools’ strenghts and weaknesses. After this, they will share info they have gort with the teachers and students at their schools. Islam also teach us to make a journey first for a good purpose, like learning or studying,” he concluded.

Release from kampussemarang.com



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