Semarang │ At the age of 9 years old, Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) is stretching its wings. Attempts that have been made including establishing a cooperation dealing with the Three Obligations of higher education with the Health Office of Semarang City. The MoU signing was held in the campus of the Faculty of Medicine on Jalan Wonodri Sendang Raya Wednesday, April 11, 2018.The Health Office was represented by the head of Regional Health Office of Semarang City, while Unimus was represented by Prof Dr. Rifki Muslim, Sp.B., Sp.U.
Dean of Unimus Faculty of Medicine on the occasion stated that the Health Office was state institution that could become a place for students and lecturers of Unimus to improve their capacities and competencies in the Three Obligations. “Graduates from Unimus have been spread throughout Indonesia, including in Semarang. This partnership is hoped can improve the learning quality for students of Unimus Faculty of Medicine so that they can apply their knowledge in the society in the future.
Through this cooperation, the Faculty of Medicine at Unimus can build a synergy with the Health Office of Semarang City in form of researches and community services that support programs that try to improve people’s health quality in Semarang,” Prof. Rifki explained.
Dr. Widoyono, MPH, the head of Regional Health Office of Semarang really appreciated the cooperation established by both institutions. With the MoU, his institution could help the implementations of the Three Obligations and help Unimus in supporting the improvement of health status. “The priority of public health in Semarang today is to decrease maternal mortality rate (MMR) as well as sickness rate and death caused by DHF, Tuberculosis and HIV/Aids. It is so relevant to do as doctors graduating from Semarang, including from Unimus, should have competencies in dealing with MMR, DHF, Tuberculosis and HIV/ Aids. The cooperation will be surely profitable for both parties in supporting learning and improving the public health status,” the head of the Health Office revealed. “In this year, there will be 5 new hospitals in Semarang, which surely will require a lot of doctors. Health Office also offer an opportunity for doctors to join ‘Ambulan Siaga’ program, which is a great chance for doctors from Unimus to serve the society,” he concluded.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol