Surakarta │Unimus (18/12/2019) Lecturer of Undergraduate Program of Midwifery of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus), Fitriani Nur Damayanti successfully obtained her Doctoral degree of Laws in Doctoral Program of Law from Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS). By the guidance of promotor, Prof. Dr. Absori, SH, M.Hum and Co-Promotor, Dr. Kelik Wardiono,S.H.,M.H and Dr. Sri Rejeki, S.Kp, M.Kep, Sp.Mat, Fitriani successfully defended her dissertation entitled “Hukum dan Profesionalisme Transendental (Studi Profesionalisme Bidan Berbasis Transendental)”. Finally, Fitriani Nur Damayanti was honoured Doctoral degree on Wednesday (18/12/2019). This doctoral promotion was attended by Prof. Dr. Sofyan Anif, M.Si (Rector of UMS), Prof. Dr. Khudzaifah Dimyati, S.H., M.H. (Dean of Laws UMS), Prof. Dr. Absori, S.H., M.Hum. (Head of Doctoral Program of Laws UMS) and Prof. Dr. Bambang Sumardjoko, M.Pd. (Director of Post Graduate Program). Dr. Fitriani Nur Damayanti, S.SiT., M.H.Kes. finished her study for 3 years with GPA 3,67 (cumlaude).
Dr. Fitriani, a lecturer of Undergraduate Program of Midwifery Unimus stated that midwife professionalism is the fondation of social contract between midwife and society. In implementing their professionalism, a midwife should consider the laws. “Professionalism of midwifery can be described such as ethical code, accountability, collaboration and giving appropriate referral, education, competency, and counselling. However, there are several cases related to midwife professionalism” she explained. By referring to laws using qualitative non-doctrinal approach in midwives in Semarang, Dr. Fitriani studied that the indicator of midwife’s professionalism in Indonesia included several things such as ethical code, accountability, collaboration and giving appropriate referral, education, competency, and counselling. The finding showed that in practice, it was very hard for midwives to implement professionalism in this country. Due to several indicators are not well-managed, problems appeared” she added. Furthermore, Dr. Fitriani stated that it needs trancedental-based midwife’s professionalism in accordance with Al Quran’s values.
This research findings are considered as the contribution of science, especially in medical law. “A conclusion has been drawn that trancedental-based midwife’s professionalism includes being deeply devoted to Allah SWT by heart, working in accordance with her competences, working honestly” ended a mother of one beautiful daughter.
Dr. Fitriani Nur Damayanti is the 38th doctor in Unimus. Hopefully the addition of doctors in Unimus becomes such blessings for institution. Rector of Unimus, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd. expressed his appreciation for Dr. Fitriani who gained her doctoral degree at her 31 years old. In the end, Rector expected that the new doctor will strengthen Unimus position as the preparation for Institutional Accreditation (APT) to be excellent.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol