Semarang | (21/08/2018) In order to support the development of the nation, young generation must be prepared well. One of the efforts is to provide good (nutritious) and safe food. Thus, Food Technology Department and Nutrition Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang in collaboration with Indonesian Association of Fitness and Sport Nutritionist (ANOKI), PT. Ajinomoto and The National Agency of Drug and Food Control held National Seminar on Nutrition and Food Safety Management.
This agenda presented an interesting topic such as “Education of Nutrition and Umami Seasoning Safety to Support Students’ Achievement” and were joined by more than 250 participants including lecturer, teacher, and students. It was held in Hall of FK (Faculty of Medicine) Building presented Drs. Safriansyah, M.Kes Apt (Head Semarang National Agency of Drug and Food Control-BPOM Semarang) who explained about the Safety of Food Additives and Children’s Snack. Besides, Mury Kuswari, S.Pd, M.Si (Chairman of ANOKI) discussed about balanced nutritious food for children – Smart and Gain Great Achievement (Fakta Ilmiah dan Peranan Rasa Dasar Kelima) as the second speaker who was moderated by Dr. Ir. Nurrahman, M.Si (Lecturer of Food Technology in Unimus).
Vice Rector III, Dr. Samsudi Rahardjo, M.M. , M.T attended the opening ceremony. He said that nutrient and healthy food has prominent role for children development. ” In order to improve people’s awareness of fulfilling the balanced nutrition, nutritious foods, and safe food for children to support their active activities and boost their immunity.” He ended.