Semarang │Unimus (22/03/2019) Law Number 12 Year 2012 section 13 article 2 stated that students shall, as referred to in subsection (1), actively develop their potential through learning, search for scientific truth, and/or mastery, development and implementation of a branch of science and/or technology to become cultured scientists, intellectuals, practitioners and/or professionals. Bridging this idea, Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs promotes Rural Development Grant Program (PHBD) for students. PHBD is a community empowerment conducted by students of both state and private Higher Education institution through Similar Student Organization Association (IOMS), Student Activity Units (UKM) or Student Executive Board (BEM). Through PHBD, students are expected to increase their awareness and give more contribution to rural society to realize active, independent, welfare, and entrepreneur village.
PHBD that is funded by Kemenristekdikti should be well-prepared by students. Thus, Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs (BAAK) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) organised “Workshop on Writing PHBD Proposal for 2019” participated by representatives of students organization and students in Unimus. The event was held in 4th Floor of NRC Building and opened by Vice Rector III, Dr. Samsudi Rahardjo, S.T., M.T., M.M. The workshop was held on Friday (22/03/2019) inviting outstanding speaker, Eko Yulianto, M.Pd. and Abdul Azis, M.Pd., lecturers from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Advisors of PHBD Unimus in 2019.

Vice Rector III Unimus stated that this workshop aimed at improving and developing students’ soft skills in accordance with university’s vision to realize excellent technology-based generation with global insight. “There are at least two things to be developed by university to support students skills and competences, such as hard skill (given through academic lecture based own each study programs) and soft skill (organization skill through students organization) that will provide students a skill to express their opinion, solve the problems, and increase their critical thinking. Both aspect should support and related each other to realize students’ success after graduating and entering the working world,” explained Dr. Samsudi Rahardjo.

Head of BAAK Unimus, Rosita Lihasari, S.Sos., M.Si. stated that this workshop would provide students new insight and and knowledge to improve their ability in designing and writing proposal to get funding from the government. “Through joining this workshop, students might be able to explore their ability and observe the potential of particular regions to be developed. This idea would be expressed in a proposal that is arranged and conducted by group of students (ten students in a group)”, said Rosita. Students were informed about the strategy and tips in creating PHBD proposal to pass the selection. At least 1-2 PHBD proposals a year passed the selection for Kemenristekdikti funding. It is expected that in 2019 more PHBD proposals will be produced.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol