Semarang | Unimus (June 8, 2018) Institute of Educational Development and Quality Assurance dealing with the implementation of the university’s vision and missions should realize the importance of socialisation, monitoring, as well as evaluation of quality through Internal Academic Quality Audit (Audit Mutu Akademik Internal/AMAI). An effort that can be made is socialization of the Internal Academic Quality Audit portfolio filling, as what conducted by the Institute of Educational Development and Quality Assurance at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) by holding a workshop entitled “Workshop of IT-based Internal Academic Quality Audit Filling” on Thursday-Friday (June 7-8, 2018) in the hall of Unimus Nursing Research Center building. The event was officially opened by Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si., the Vice Rector I of Unimus, and attended by all lecturers from 23 study programs and educational staffs at Unimus in charge with accreditation standards.

Edy Soesanto, S.Kp, M.Kes., the head of the Institute of Educational Development and Quality Assurance of Unimus, stated that the portfolio of AMAI needs to be standardized, including the contents, procedures, and methods in accordance with the consensus of all related parties considering the standard regulations of accreditation, the regulations of higher education national standards, as well as the latest and upcoming service development in order to get the optimal benefits. “This workshop is needed for uniforming the perceptions on socialization and refreshment of AMAI. Through this workshop, the participants are expected to have the right understanding about how to fill the portfolio as well physical evidences / documents dealing with it that have fitted the accreditation portfolio standards. The AIAM accreditation portfolio standard filling that has been based on the accreditation portfolio also need to be readjusted by using information technology,” Edy Soesanto added.
On the first day of the workshop, the agenda include presentation of study program AMAI portfolio materials based on standards 1-7 of accreditation portfolio. Meanwhile, on the second day, the agenda contained demonstration and practice of AMAI portfolio e-filling using Information System of Unimus Internal Academic Quality Audit (SiAMAI). Following the activity was discussion session and panel presentation of each standar by the representative of each study program. And, the event was closed with sosialisation of AMAI portfolio filling for educational staff.
“We get a lot of benefits from this event, such as the uniformed perception on AMAi that linear with the accreditation and national standards of the Directorate of Higher Education, the the shared knowledge on AMAI portfolio based on the accreditations standards and the shared knowledge on the information system of SiAMAI portfolio,” Edy Susanto explained. It is expected that through SiAMAI, the quality assurance of each unit at Unimus can be nicely-implemented. If the quality has been assured and nicely-monitored, the credo “A University for The Excellence” can be immediately realized.