Semarang | Unimus (27/10/2018) Nowadays, Higher Education Institutes are also demanded to prepare its lecturers to be researcher and perform the community service as the real manifestation for disseminating the science for society. This vision is in line with the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and fully supported by the Directorate of Research and Community Service in providing funds in conducting both research and community service for lecturers an students in State or Private Universities.
Vice Rector I, Dr. Sri Darmawati delivered souvenir to Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc.
Great collaboration between Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and Institute for Research and Community Service of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) presented National Seminar about research and community service. Themed “Hilirisasi dan Komersialisasi Penelitian dan Pengabmas untuk Indonesia Berkemajuan”, this seminar was held on Saturday (27/10) at RSGM Hall of Unimus. This national seminar invited two excellent speakers such as Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc. (Director of Research and Community Service of Kemenristekdikti) and Dr. M. Nur, DEA (Researcher, lecturer and plasma technology expert from Undip). This agenda was opened by Vice Rector I of Unimus, Dr. Sri Darmawati, and participated by at least 303 participants from 9 provinces in Indonesia.
Presentation of Dr. M. Nur, DEA (researcher, lecturer and plasma expert from Undip)
Prof. Ocky revealed the fact about the increase of research and community service product conducted by lecturers.“By the numerous number of Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia and so many discrepancy existing will trigger challenge. That is why, the Ministry designs cluster-based Higher education institution to in developing each institutions according to their classification. The ministry has prepared 1,7 billion to facilitate lecturers and students to hold research and community service.” Said Prof. Ocky. “We would like to inform that regulation reformation was stipulated by the government to create good ecosystem and research quality enhancement.” He added. Meanwhile Vice Rector I, Dr. Sri Darmawati also said that Unimus has done many agenda to increase lecturers’ quantities and qualities in research and community service through workshops, symposium, training and seminar as well. “This good development and assistance provided by Unimus hopefully will increase lecturers’ quality for the sake of National Development through conducting research and community services.” said Dr. Sri Darmawati.
The Best Student Oral Presenter with Head of LPPM Unimus, Dr. Dini Cahyandari and Chair of National Seminar, Dr. Siti Aminah
Upon accomplishing the keynote speakers presentation, the poster presentation and oral presentation was organised by participants (lecturers and students). There were at least 264 audience consist of 249 oral presenters and 30 participants. According to Dr. Dini Cahyandari, M.T., this national seminar aimed at disseminating the newest issue about regulations and policies in conducting research and community service. In addition, this agenda was organised to facilitate both lecturers and students to publish and disseminate their academic writing. Finally this seminar was closed by the announcement of the best student/lecturer oral presenter and best poster.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol