Vice Rector I of Unimus is taking picture with the participants of RPL, consisting of Medical Laboratory technicians.

Semarang │(August 7, 2017) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) is selected by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti), the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), and the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucracy Reformation (KemenPAN-RB) to organize the Recognition of Prior Learning (Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau /RPL) program for civil servants in the health sector. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an acceleration program to improve the competencies and educational qualifications of the health workers with diploma III or lower levels of education.

Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Permenristekdikti) No. 26 of 2016 Article 1 Paragraph 1 states that Recognition of Prior Learning is the recognition for someone’s learning achievement obtained from whether formal, non-formal, or informal education and/or work experiences in a formal education. This program is provided for health workers with five or more years of service, in accordance with a regulation stating that a health worker should be at least a diploma III graduate by October 2020. Through the Recognition of Prior Learning program, each of the participants will get a recognition for his/her work experiences so that the lecture period will be shorter. This program is provided for nurses, midwives, and medical laboratory technicians.

An RPL participant’s portfolio is assessed.

Held for the first time at Unimus, this Program is held in several study programs such as Diploma III in Nursing, Diploma III in Midwifery, and Diploma III in Medical Laboratory Technology of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences (Fikkes) at Unimus. Vice Rector I of Unimus (Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si.) stated that participants of the program consisted of 60 participants from Diploma III in Nursing, 30 participants from Diploma III in Midwifery, and 30 participants from Diploma III in Medical Laboratory Technology. “Prior to the learning, all participants are assessed in order to find out their recent competencies” she revealed.

An assessor is assessing the clinical skills of a participant of RPL.

Head of Diploma III in Nursing at Unimus (Ns. Chanif., MNS), as one of the organizers of the RPL program at Unimus and the Program Coordinator of RPL for Central Java area explained that “…those establishing the Recognition for Prior Learning program are diploma programs with accreditation B. They are divided into major-organizing colleges (Perguruan Tinggi Rayon) and minor-organizing colleges (Perguruan Tinggi Sub-Rayon) for every province where the tuition fees are subsidized by the government. This program aims at encouraging those with Diploma III or lower levels of education to improve their educational qualifications up to the diploma III. RPL is held also to improve the competencies and qualifications of health workers, which match with the needs of services in the health sector, enhance they quality of services in the health sector through the quality improvement the health sector” revealed Chanif. “The initial stage that is the trial program of RPL, specifically provided for civil servants, will start in September, 2017. Hopefully, the next stage of program can be followed by private employees. The participants of RPL should obey the terms of the program. The program is expected to finish in 2 semesters, by following the applied procedure” he added.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol

