UNIMUS| Semarang, Thursday (January 8, 2017) Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus), Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd. accompanied by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Hj. Sri Dharmawati, M.Si., received a Certificate of Membership from the Oracle Academy. The certificate was officially handed-over by Drs. Akhmad Fathurohman, M.Kom., one of Unimus’ lecturer of Information Technology in front of all of Unimus’ leaders, within a routine leadership meeting.
Oracle Corporation (NASDAQ: ORCL) is one of database management system providers and developers.
Oracle corporation is the biggest IT corporation in the best according to Forbes. This American corp hires thousands of experts scattered in various areas worldwide. It engages in creating database storage as well as programming, business, customer service and supply chain management software.
Thus, with its vision to become a distinctive, technology-based and international minded, Unimus always tries to improve the technology, especially information technology as the basis to develop the university’s excellence.
As a member of Association of Informatics and Computer Higher Education Institutions (APTIKOM) of Central Java Province, Unimus has sent its lecturer to take the Training of Trainer (TOT) on Database Design and Programming with Structured Query Language (SQL), held by Oracle in cooperation with APTIKOM of Central Java on January 23-27, 2017.
And, as the delegate has passed the TOT, Unimus automatically becomes an official member of Oracle, is able to establish Oracle Academy as well as conduct in international quality Oracle certification for the students.
Moreover, as for Unimus’ students in study programs that develop both software and management information system in either Faculty of Engineering or others will be equipped with knowledge through lectures and oracle certification, so that the students will become globally competence. [IT]