Semarang │(September 25, 2017) One of the students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) is going to get involved in an international activity. It’s Irma Fitriana Ardi Kusuma, a study of the fifth semester from the undergraduate program in Food Tehnology, getting a chance to join the Japan East Asia of Exchange for Student and Youth (JENESYS). This program is held by the Japan International Cooperation Center (JICC). Prior to the departure, a dispatch ceremony was held, led by Dr. Sri Rejeki, M.Kep, Sp.Mat., the Vice Rector II, accompanied by the Vice Rector III (Drs. Samsudi Raharjo, M.M., M.T.), the Director of KH Sahlan Rosjidi All-female Pesantren (Drs. Rohmat Suprapto, M.Si.), and the Director of the International Relationships Office (IRO) at Unimus (M. Yusuf, Ph.D.) amid the morning prayer on Monday, September 25, 2017.

The Japan East Asia of Exchange for Student and Youth program is a youth exchange program between Japan and Asia Pacific countries. This program was released by the Japanese Government, which will be held between October 2 and 10, 2017, with 19 teenagers from Indonesia participating in the event. Stated by the Director of KH. Sahlan Rosjidi Pesantren Irma Fitriana Ardi Kusuma, a musyrifah and mahasantri of the pesantren, is selected as one of the participants of the Youth Exchange program in Japan, after passing the administrative and interview tests held by Muhammadiyah’s Central Executive Board. “Irma is chosen because of excellent at English, as well as administering organizations and social activities. Two of such excellences is that she has ever been the head of the Student Association of Food Technology Program in 2016-2017 and one of the administrators of the Student Activity Unit of Global Unimus, becoming the division head of Hospitality during the period” Rohmat Suprapto added. “This program is aimed to promote the relatioship of mutual trust and understanding between Japanese people and Asia Pacific People, and also to build the basis of friendships and cooperation in the future.
The event had the purspose of understanding and spreading the economic, historical, cultural, and diplomatic relationships” explained the Director of IRO of Unimus. Meanwhile, Irma, revealed that activities she was going to participate in include a meeting with the Indonesian Ambassador for Japan, some activities of learning on Japan, visits to some agencies’ offices, religious places, and historical places. “While in Japan, the participants of the JENESYS will stay with Japanese families, adapting with their daily lives as well as having discussions on culture, religion, society, and economy,” Irma added.
On the occasion, the Vice Rector II adviced the Unimus ambassador to look for experience, share information on religion, culture, and society as well as build good relationships with many parties. “The most important thing is to get knowledge as much as possible, so that after returning to Indonesia, you can share information to the peers and become a role model for the juniors in orter to get motivated to participant in programs to come” she added. The appoinment of the Unimus student to participate in the Japan East Asia of Exchange for Student and Youth is one of the efforts to implement a point in Unimus’ vision, which is have the international insight.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.