Semarang | On 6 November 2019, 122 Students of Faculty of Engineering in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (FT Unimus) participated general lecture for engineers in facing Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Indonesia. This agenda was attended by Dean of FT, Dr. RM. Bagus Irawan, M.Si., IPM, Head of Study Program, Lecturers and academic society of FT. By inviting Chairperson of PII (Indonesian Engineering Association Regional Central Java), Ir. Wisnu Suharto, DIpI.HE., IPU., and Dean of FT Unimus, Dr. RM. Bagus Irawan, M.Si., IPM. and was moderated by Head of Mechanical Engineering of Unimus, Dr. Purnomo,. M.Eng. and participated by freshmen from Mechanical Enginnering, Electronic Engineering, and Informatics Engineering Study Program.

The Speaker (Left) delivered the material and accompanied by Dean (Middle) and Moderator (right)

Promoting interesting topic themed “Peluangan dan Tangtangan Insinyur Menghadapi Era Globalisasi Revolusi Industri 4.0”,  this agenda was attended by freshmen of FT Unimus and intended to provide students with new knowledge and perspectives about several practices and opportunities of engineering in accordance with the existing Government Regulation. Thus, after graduating from the Unimus, graduates will understand about the job description and any opportunities in engineering sectors.

Dean of FT, Dr. WM. Bagus Irawan, M.Si., IPM delivered certificate of appreciation to one of participant

Dean of FT Unimus stated that this general lecture was conducted to acknowledge students about how to be great engineers in the future who can develop our beloved country, Indonesia. “I hope that all of the students will be great technocrats one day and build this country, give more contribution on the infrastructures in Indonesia both in urban and rural area across Indonesia.” Dr Bagus explained. “Along with the development of Industrial Revolution 4.0, Indonesia needs many youngster who concern on the outstanding skills and sofskills to encounter global era” he added.

Speaker, Dean, Lecturers, and Representative of students

Global era is inevitable, however Dean of FT Unimus are pretty sure that all of students in FT have been provided by sufficient knowledge and skills to answer the market demand, especially in industry and construction. This era is indicated by the existence of MEA (Asean Economic) that invite many foreign workers to Indonesia, so Indonesian graduates need to be able to survive and compete. Dean of FT Unimus optimistically prepare the students in order to be able to compete and face the global era by providing sufficient knowledge, perspective and skills to be professional and competent workers. In addition, they can compete with foreign workers. Furthermore, Dean said that students need to be more focus on their study and graduate on time. So, they can give more contribution to this country.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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