Pabelan | 24 February 2019 The excitement of Students’ Community Service (KKN-PPM) Expo in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) was also enjoyed and attended by Vice Rector I, Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si., Chair of the Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM), Dr. Dini Cahyandari, M.T. and Chair of Community Service and KKN Division, Herlisa Anggraini, S.K.M., M.Si.Med., KKN advisers (Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan) and at least 200 students .
In her speech, Vice Rector I expected that through this event, KKK team of Unimus would give more advantages to community. “I really hope that Unimus students can collaborate well with people surrounding this vicinity (Pabelan) since this event is kind of momentum to promote creative and innovative product of small and medium enterprises in order to increase productivity and maximise natural resources potential existed in Pabelan”, she explained.
Such event organised by student-self reliance aimed at exhibiting students effort in exploiting village potential in at least 17 villages in Pabelan during a month, from 1 to 28 February 2019. Art performances and music parade were well-performed by students of Elementary School to High School level, free medical check-up (blood pressure, test of uric acid level, test of cholesterol level and test of blood glucose level).