Today, 17 August 2017. Indonesia celebrates its 72nd Independence day. One of UNIMUS’ lecturer who study abroad in Khon Kaen University, Thailand, Ms. Dian Candra participates in the celebration. She’s not only as a dancer but also a chairman of the committee. The event held at Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences (HUSO), starts from 11.00 a.m. until 14.30 p.m. This event is held with the support of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University Thailand and Overseas Indonesian Student Association in Khon Kaen Thailand.
More than 90 guests attending the event, they are some Deans and lecturers in KKU, International Division Staff, ASEAN Language Center staff and International Students from many countries such as India, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Kenya, Srilanka, Vietnam, Myanmar, Japan and Germany. The event started with singing Indonesian national anthem proudly and loudly, then opening speech by Ms. Dian Candra as Chairman of the committee and Speech from Dean of HUSO, after that cutting ‘Tumpeng’ , it was a special dishes from Indonesia. Tumpeng is a symbol of gratitude, the top of tumpeng is cut and delivered to the most important person. With tumpeng, people express the gratitude to God and appreciate togetherness and harmony. After that is watching together proclamation of Indonesian independence video.
Afterwards, attendants had their taste buds thoroughly satisfied with various delicacies from Indonesia. Due to the distance from Indonesia and the unavailability of some ingredients in Thailand, having the chance to eat Indonesian food is a rare occurrence. Dishes from many parts of Indonesia were made available, such as gado-gado, nasi tumpeng, and es cendol.
Ms. Dian wanted this event as the adaptation of celebration of independence day in Indonesia, so she and her team set a neighborhood competition like eating crackers race (lomba makan kerupuk), spoon and marble rally (lomba sendok kelereng), inserting nails into the bottles (memasukan paku kedalam botol) and blind make up.

The guest were very happy and enjoyed the games, they also had a chance to enjoy dancing performances such as peacock dance (tari merak) from Central Java by Ms. Dian Candra, Dayak dance from Kalimantan, Balinese dance, Saman dance from Aceh and also Batik Fashion show.
In the end of the event the MC announced the winner of the games. And the guest were very happy to get the prize. Ms. Dian Candra hopes that this event can strengthen the relationship not only for Indonesian citizen who live overseas but also the relationship between Indonesia and another countries. Merdeka!!!