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Wakil Rektor I Unimus membuka acara
Vice Rector I opened the workshop

Semarang │ April 20, 2017 Institute of Research and Community Services (LPPM) of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held a workshop and clinic on research proposals for Unimus’ lecturers. The event was held in the meeting room of the Nursing Research Center building, attended by 50 lecturers. The workshop was held as an effort to improve the skills of the lecturers to make research proposals as well as to help young lecturers develop their skills in conducting a research as it is one of four obligations of lectures at Muhammadiyah’ higher education institutions. Head of the LPPM (Dr. Dini Cahyandari, M.T.) revealed that the event was one of the LPPM‘s efforts to increase the amount of research funding that Unimus could receive for the schemes of Junior Lecturer Research (PDP) and Inter-institutional Research (PKPT). “Now, Unimus is one higher education institutions that have the status of Madya (Level of Indonesian Research Center) in terms of  the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Institution (Kemenristekdikti) research grant earnings. In 2017, the total amount of research grants that Unimus lecturers have received from Kemenristekdikti is as much as 3.5 billion rupiahs. Meanwhile, the total amount of the community service grants  is 690 million rupiahs. Such amounts exclude grants from other sources” stated Dr. Dini.

Kegiatan workshop penyusunan proposal.
During the workshop

In her greeting, the Vice Rector I (Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si.) stated that lecturers should utilize any spare time as optimally as possible, especially to do a research. “PDP and PKPT are National Competitive Grants that are tightly selected so that proper preparations are needed. As long as well-prepared, you don’t need to worry about”.

The event was an effort to increase the number of PDP and PKPT proposals that will be sent in May 2017. After the workshop, the following targets are proposals finalization by the lecturers and review by internal reviewers, prior to sending them to Kemenristekdikti. It is expected that after attending the event, quality proposals can be created so that the total earnings of research grants in 2018 can increase.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol
