Semarang | January 24th, 2017 Diploma III in Nursing, the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences (FIKKES), Unimus, held a workshop on fundamental Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in collaboration with N,Powerment at the NRC Building on Januay 24th-25th, 2017.
The event aims at training students for it is important to be able to implement the vision and missions of either the faculty or university. Besides, it is also to equip graduate students more skill to implement and apply science and knowledge that they have learned during their study at the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus). It is expected that by mastering hypnotherapy, they can handle health problems related to psychiatric and also be able to communicate well. In addition, by mastering such a skill, they can give therapy to both themselves and others. At least, they will be able to give solutions and not easy to get influenced by externals as well as to use it at work.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and JIPC