MoU Signed between Fikkes Unimus and Chulalongkorn University of Thailand to Strengthen Partnership

Bangkok Ι (31/05/2019), Internationalisation in disruptive era is absolute necessity in higher education institution nowadays. Referring to that, Dean of Fikkes Unimus, Dr. Budi Santosa, MSi.Med and Director of International…

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FIKKES Unimus Held Professional Oath-Taking Ceremony and Farewell for Graduates

Semarang | (23/06/2019) Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences (Fikkes) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held Professional oath-taking ceremony for nurses, nutritionists, and medical laboratory staff, and farewell for graduates…

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Organising 30th BAPS, Nursing Professional Program Equips Its Graduate to Be Islamic Professional Nurse in Industrial Revolution 4.0

Semarang | Selasa (14/5/2019) At least 86 Prospective Graduates from Nursing Professional Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) attended in Post-Study Baitul Arqam (Baitul Arqom Purna Studi-BAPS) in NRC Hall,…

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Commemorating 6th Milad, FKG Unimus Presents Young Hafidz Muzammil Hasballah

Semarang | (08/05/2019) In commemorating the 6th Milad of Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Muhammadiyah, the committee presented charismatic young Hafidz, Muzammil Hasballah. The tausiyah themed “Sharing usefulness of knowledge…

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Professional Nurse Program at Unumus Held Seminar on Nursing entitled “Update of Cardiac Arrest Nursing Management”

Semarang | (28/04/2019) Cardiac arrest is when heart malfunction and stop beating unexpectedly and it is serious problem in health. Heart attack is silent killer that can arrive anytime and…

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FBBA Organized 3rd English Language and Literature International Conference to Bridge Cyber Based Research

Semarang │(27/04/2019) In industrial revolution 4.0, the use of technology has becoming the prominent needs. To answer this, spesific competence such as problem solving competency, critical thinking competency, and creativity…

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Facing the Political Development, Korkom IMM Organises National Seminar

Semarang | (27/04/2019) Comemorating the 55th Milad of Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM), Coordinator of Unimus Commissariate held National Seminar themed Youngsters' Role in Welcoming Political view entitled “Aktualisasi Peran Pemuda…

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