Grobogan Ι (12/11/2019) Several Activities of Student Executive Board (BEM) are not only limited to meetings, musyawarah, or discussion. It also focuses on the implementation of community service. Recently, BEM of FKM (Faculty of Public Health) in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang that empower people in Desa Ngroto, Gubug, Grobogan to develop their village. Through Grant Program entitled Program Hibah Bina Desa (PHBD) by Dirjen Belmawa Kemenristekdikti, they conduct activity entitled “Pengembangan Desa Wisata Religi Ngroto melalui RUGUNA LANDING (Rumah Guna Pelatihan Branding)”. This agenda is initiated by Eli Sahiroh (7th semester) and fifteen students of Public Health Study Program and aim at developing Desa Ngroto to be religious tourism village.

It is stated by Eli Sahiroh that there are several high potential in empowering village development. Those are several religious Islamic architecture, Islamic culture, and tempe production in Desa Ngroto. “Islamic culture in this village such as Malam Pitulasan, pengajian every 17th such as lantunan sholawat Nabi that becomes one tourist package for visitors of Desa Ngroto. Along with the development of the tourism village, the development of industrial sector, such as tempe production is also increasing,” said Eli. “Desa Ngroto had ever been visited by distinguished public figures such as simbah Abdurrahman Ganjur, Simbah Khamdin, Kiyai Siradjudin and K.H Abdul Munir. They were historical figures that become the point of attraction,” Eli said.

“This program is implemented by Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) method, a method used to analyse situation, plan, and implementation of the program engage in empowering their village” said Nurina Dyah Lasarati, SKM, M.Kes as the advisors. Furthermore, Nurina said that the village empowerment is conducted by team consisting students of FKM Unimus by developing website, establishing historical information, creating brochures, composing booklet about Desa Ngroto, providing packaging workshop, innovation of tempe production, and organising bazar. “The product of this program is the realisation of the religious tourism village in Desaturate Ngroto. It is expected that upon accomplishing the program, Desa Ngroto will increase its income generating, improve people’s prosperity and boost its regional income” said Nurina.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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