Facing the Political Development, Korkom IMM Organises National Seminar

Semarang | (27/04/2019) Comemorating the 55th Milad of Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM), Coordinator of Unimus Commissariate held National Seminar themed Youngsters' Role in Welcoming Political view entitled “Aktualisasi Peran Pemuda…

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Commemorating Disaster Preparedness Day (HKB), Unimus Held Disaster Management Simulation

Semarang|(26/4/2019) The National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BNPB) proclaims National Disaster Preparedness Day (HKB) on 26 April. HKB is such opportunity to engage everyone in disaster management training. It is…

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Unimus Hosted Student Sport Week (POM) for Sport Climbing Regional Central Java

Semarang │(25/04/2019) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) hosted Students Sport Week (POM) between Higher Education Institution in LLDIKTI Regional Central Java for Sport Climbing championship. This event was opened by Vice…

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In 2019, Unimus Received IDR 5.81 Billion for Funding Reseach and Community Service

Semarang │Unimus (23/04/2018) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) progresivelly trigger its lecturers to compete and gain various funding research and community services provided. Such achievement in obtaining research and community service…

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Unimus Organized the Socialization Program on Rector Election Program for 2019-2023

Semarang │Unimus (27/02/2019) After undergoing socialization, administrative selection, and selection and evaluation, selection and election of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) for 2019-2023 period, the procedure of rector election program was…

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Join Meeting of International Curriculum & MoA Signing of Unimus and Lincoln University Malaysia

Semarang │Internalization of higher education institution and study program is regarded as prominent factor in industrial era 4.0. Referring to this, Undergraduate Program of Nursing and Midwifery of Faculty of…

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Unimus Medicine Student Won 3rd Mawapres Jawa Tengah for the National Level

Director General of Belmawa Kemenristekdikti hold annual Outstanding Student Selection (Mawapres). This selection is conducted to give appreciation to such students who have outstanding achievement in curricular, cocurricular, and extra…

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