Semarang | Implementing ways to maintain public’s health, it is needed qualified Human Resources. They are needed to diagnose and assist health examination, especially qualified medical laboratory workers. In order to support professional medical laboratory workers, DIII Health Analyst Study Program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) organised Workshop on Cyto-histo Technology from January to February 2020. This agenda was participated by 5th semester students in DIII Program of Health Analyst and started by explaining the material about cyto-histo technology skill enrichment to diagnose pathology anatomy test, on Saturday (18/01/2020).

Located in Labkes Building of Unimus, the material were delivered by dr. Maya Damayanti, Sp. PA, Head of Laboratory Pathology Anatomy in RSUD Tugurejo Semarang. “This workshop is one of efforts from study program to realise its vision, such as being excellent in cyto-histo technology. After completing the study, students are expected to get sufficient knowledge about practicum of processing of histology and process of colouring histology tissue,“ said Head of DIII Health Analyst, Dr. Ana Hidayati M.,M.Si in her welcoming speech. In this workshop, students were divided into five groups, and each group conducted practicum for two (2) days. First day practicum was about to identify the processing of histology tissue and the process of colouring histology tissue. Whereas, in the second practicum day was to discuss about embedding, cutting process using microtome, and the colouring of HE.

The speakers of this worksop are dr. Maya Damayanti, Sp. PA (Head of Laboratory in RSUD Tugurejo Semaramg), Juliati, A. Md (Instructor in RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang), Titik Prasetyani, A. Md (Instructor in RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang), Deny Indri Astuti, STr. AK (Instructor in RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang), Fitri Nuroini, M.Sc (Lecturer of cyto-histo technology in Unimus), Tulus Ariyadi, SKM, M.Si (Lecturer of cyto-histo technology in Unimus), Rizka Fajariyati. STr. AK (Analyst Laboratory in Unimus) and Anna Syafira, S.Md AK (Analyst Laboratory in Unimus).


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