Semarang | As we all know, in this globalization era, banking institutions look having been integrated with the social life so the international society within which Moslems exist have relied on banking services. Such a dependency can be seen from the important role of banks in our daily life. One of those banks taking part is Islamic Bank (Bank Syariah). The bank has been a part of the financial industry. This is what stated by Dr. Hardiwinoto, S.E., M.Si, dean of the Faculty of Economics at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (UNIMUS) in a book review event entitled “Controversy of Islamic Bank Products and the Interests’ Usury (Kontroversi Produk Bank Syariah dan Ribanya Bunga Bank)” (July 10, 2018).

Hardi explained that the event was aimed at giving motivation. “In every book review event, we review a book to get criticism and suggestions, in order to make it better, compared to the previously written ones, “he explained. Indeed, several chapters of the book were taken from Hardi’s dissertation. According to him, a research results could be developed to create a textbook, for an academician should do Islamic da’wah. And, one of the methods is through literacy. “We need to read a lot of literatures and create literacy. In the past there were just books. Now, there have been also journals, so that our knowledge is supposed to be enhanced,” he said.
In that book (Hardiwinoto’s book), in chapter 7, it is explained that the implementation of funding product using murabahah buying and selling system has a bad implication. Domination of syari’a bank’s products is operated with murabahah principle, as if it is buying an selling money. Besides, some syari’a banking managers are lack of knowledge on he difference between syari’a financial principle and syari’a financial product. It leads to the management of syari’a banks that use the analogy of conventional banks. It causes some accusation of conventional banks with syaria labels. The accusation is neither totally correct not incorrect. The book review was held in the rectorate building. It invited Prof. Dr. Siti Mujibatun, M.Ag., a professor at Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo, Semarang.