Senate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Semarang | (May 23, 2018), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of Unimus hend a dispatch ceremony for the graduates taking place in Campus 2 of Unimus at Jl. Kedungmundu Raya No. 22, Semarang. The procession was led by Dr. Eny Winaryati, M.Pd., the Dean. The event was attended by 16 graduates consisting of 11 Statistics Program graduates, 3 Chemistry Education Program graduates, and 2 Mathematics Program graduates. 1 graduate, named Lia Miftakhul Jannah, S.Stat. from Statistics Program, was pronounced as the Best Graduate with GPA 3.92 and 5 graduates: Amelia Fahmi, S.Pd. (Chemistry Education, GPA 3.91), Devi Sumayya Sara, S.Stat. (Statistics, GPA 3.88), Prichilia Putu Makarti, S.Stat. (Statistics Program, GPA 3.71), Atika Sis Rahmawati, S.Pd. (Chemistry Education, GPA 3.69, and Endah Suryaning Utami, S.Stat. (Statistics, GPA 3.62) got Cumlaude predicate. The event was close with a statement of congratulations and transcript handover by the head of each study program.

Statement of gratitute by representative of the grasduates

Lia Miftakhul Janah, S.Stat., representing the graduates, expressed their gratitudes and impressions during their study at Unimus. She said thank you to the senior leaders, lecturers, and staff members at Unimus who had shared knowledge and facilities, as well as served them very properly to make them feel comfortable in every learning process. Besides, she also sent some message to peers that it was not the end but beginning of struggle to give real contributions towards the working world and society. As a closing statement, she tried to encourage and motivate the peers with a quote, “Those who live for themselves will live and die as dwarves but those who live for other will live and die as big persons.”

Speech by the Dean befor the graduates

Dr. Eny Winaryati, M.Pd., on the other side, congratulated all of the graduates, advising that after graduating the would be a lot of processes and barriers to face. “So keep learning and get close to kepada Allah SWT always in order to get smoothness and easiness.” Besides, she also stated that success consisted of teo things. They were effort and prayer. “Do what becomes your interest and talent as good as possible and don’t forget to pray and ask for your parents’ blessing.” At the end of the event, the graduates took picture together prior to some Ramadan preaching by Mr. Wahyu Widarto, S.T., and break-fast together for strengthening the friendship and bond between the graduates, lecturers and staff members in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang.
