Semarang | Unimus (06/03/2019). International publication is now becoming unseparable thing for lecturers to fulfill the Three Pillars of Higher Education. Being accepted in reputed international journal is such a pride for lecturer and will provide positive effect for them and the higher institution. That is why, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Unimus organized workshop entitled “Strategi Menembus Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi dan Penyusunan Artikel Review”, on Wednesday (06/03/2019). This event was held in Hall of Laboratorium Terpadu Unimus and participated by at least 60 participants consisting of lecturers in various higher education and Public Health Services staff from Central Java, West Java and DIY.
This agenda was opened by the Dean of FKM Unimus, Mifbakhuddin, S.K.M, M.Kes, and invited hilarious speakers, Prof. Asnawi Abdullah SKM, MHSM, MSc.HPPF, DLSHTM, Ph.D, an international journal reviewer from Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh. He has produced 18 international articles and hopefully it can encourage all the participants to write and send the manuscript to reputed international journal. “Writing in reputed international journal is such important thing for lecturer’s career development”, Mifbakhudin said.
Prof. Asnawi, the speaker who were granted his Professor in her 46 years old discussed a very interesting material about “How to Publish in International Journal” and “How to Do Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis”. At this point, the Director of Post Graduate Program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Acehalso shared the tips in writing in international journal. “The point is you must have strong determinant and motivation. Besides, your article should have an added value to be formulated. You also have to considerate the best journal that suit your article, follow the guidance or template of the article, pick one or two articles from the journal to be learned, provide eye-catching title to attract the reader, make sure you understand the reference guidance and how to insert tables or graphs” said the writer of 18 international article of 9 H-index Scopus. “The other significant thing is that the writer needs to explain about our contribution in journal. You have to bear in mind that in one article, you only provide one idea” he added.

Prof. Asnawi also told the audience how to write review of article and meta analysis. “Article of systematic review and meta analysis has higher level of evidence. This article would simply improve the citation that would affect the reputation of University and journal of the article.” said the professor who gained three academic titles from United Kingdom and Australia. “You need better understanding, trick and tips in writing systematic review and meta analysis. First, you have to begin it by developing big question and you have to be objective and transparent to treat the data. Key of writing systematic review is to find as much as articles through search engine, read the articles comprehendly, review the article by finding the connectivity among those articles.” He ended. Sometimes, to write in international reputed journal, high motivation and determination is not enough if it is not accompanied by good strategy.
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