SEMARANG (KRjogja.com)– Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus), Prof. Dr. H. Masrukhi, M.Pd., accompanied by the Head of Daily Advisory Board (BPH) of Unimus, inducted concurrently the new committee of each of Unimus’ student organizations for the service period of 2016-2017. It was held at the Integrated Campus of Unimus in Kedungmundu, Semarang on Wednesday, January 5th, 2016.
It was the first time ever that an inauguration of Unimus’ student organizations was held concurrently. And, it is planned that the same thing will be done in the years to come.
Those who were inducted were as many as 25 students, for the following positions, such as: the Functionaries of the Student Executive Board (BEM), the Student Representative Council (DPM), the Heads of Student Activity Units (UKMs), and the Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM) at Unimus. Among those inducted were there popular names such as Mutia Ulfah (the Head of Sema), Riswanto (the Students President) and Aulia Dwita Pangestika (the Head of the Student Activity Unit of Communication).
In the event, either the Rector or the Head of the Daily Advisory Board of Unimus emphasized the importance of joining and being active in an organization, whether within or outside the campus, for it could hone their soft-skills, especially since most researches have just dealt with hard-skills (one of those was shown in one’s GPA score, though he/she has never get involved in any organization). They added that, in fact, those hard-skills only contributed as much as 20 percents of a graduate’s success. On the other hand, soft-skills (one of those are learned through joining organizations) could contribute up to 80 percents of his/her success after graduating from the university.
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