Semarang | Saturday (16/11/19), The First National Working Meeting (Rakernas) and Alumni Association (IKA) of Fikkes Unimus 2019-2023 was conducted. By delivering compelling theme “Kolaborasi & Sinergi untuk Prestasi”, this agenda was conducted in FK Hall of Unimus. This agenda was opened by Dr. Budi Santosa, SKM., M.Si. Med., Vice Rector I of Unimus representing the Rector of Unimus. He really appreciated this agenda and said that their willingness to be the Executive Boards of Alumni Association is the manifestation of sacrifice.
“Fikkes was born from the fusion of PTKMS in 2004 consisting of Nursing, Midwifery, Health Analist, Nutrition, and Food Technology Study Programs. The total amount of Fikkes alumni is reaching 17.000 widespread across nations (Sabang to Merauke) and continents, and they are responsible for creating network. Through this first Rakernas, it is expected that the organisation will create networking and assist the under-privileged alumni, and surely they have to be beneficial to others.” Explained Dr. Budi.
It was stated by the Chairperson of IKAFikkes Unimus, Dr. Arwani, SKM, BN, MN, Hons that this Alumni Association is becoming the inseparable aspect from institution. This organisation (IKA) is not only the complement of institution. “The short term agenda of the program will be inviting all the alumni and to fix the alumni database”, said Arwani. “In the future, there will be IKA Fikkes Charity and business centre,” he added.
Meanwhile, Dr. Didik Suwarsono, SKM, M.H.Kes, the chairperson of Unimus Alumni Association (IKAMUS) stated that Unimus graduates in IKAMUS are potentially synergising to build this nations. “IKAMUS is a house to synergise. Besides, IKAMUS is also part of the study programs and faculties. Didik said that Ikafikkes can synergise and collaborate to increase Unimus quality.”
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol