Semarang | 8 Agustus 2019, located in 7th Floor of FK Hall Unimus, at least 150 Leaders and dan management of Islamic Boarding Schools (Pesantren) in Central Java joined a Workshop on EKOPONTREN or Ekonomi Pondok Pesantren organised by Faculty of Economics (FE) in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus). In the agenda, several distinguished guest attended the meeting, such as Vice Governor who was represented by Head of Bureau of Community Welfare (Drs. Imam Maskur, M.Si), Vice Chairperson of Central Java MUI (Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Rofiq, MA), Assistant Director of Economic Development from BI (Esti Binukaningsih, SE. MBA), Leader of Islamic Boarding School Imam Syuhdo KH. Yunus Muhammadi, Dean of FE (Dr. Hardiwinoto, SE. M.Si). This workshop was also participated by representatives of Islamic Boarding Schools in Central Java, lecturers, Students, students’ organisation in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang).

Pesantren is the inseparable part from People’s Social-Economic. The existence of economy in pondok pesantren is expected to emerge the spirit of entrepreneurship. Thus, FE Unimus organized this workshop by discussing the implementation of economy in Islamic boarding school in Indonesia, especially Central Java. In his welcoming speech, Dean of FE said that the workshop was suitable and strategic to be conducted to share the knowledge to all of the leaders of ponies about the prominence of economy movement and entrepreneurship,” he said.

In addition, this program is also aimed at sharing the experience to all the management of Ponpes about managing this in their pondok pesantren. FE Unimus also in charge of being role model in every aspect for the sake of economic development in Ponpes.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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