Semarang | (16/12/2019) In order to improve public health students’ abilities and skills in situation analysis and priority of problems in society, Faculty of Public Health in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) distributed its students in undergoing field work in Bonang, Demak Regency. This aimed at solving the health problems faced by the society. This activity was joined by 81 students of FKM Unimus (semester VII) and held for a month (15 December 2019 – 15 January 2020) that distributed in 4 villages such as Betah Walang, Serangan, Jatimulyo and Ponco Harjo Village.

The handover procession by the Dean of FKM Unimus, Mifbakhuddin, S.K.M., M.Kes., were given to Head of Bonang Municipality, Haris Wahyudi Ridwan, Ap, M.Si. Furthermore, Head of Puskesmas Bonang (Indah Kusuma Wati, SSiT, SKM, M. Kes.), Head of Undergraduate Program of Public Health in Unimus (Dr. Sayono, S.KM, M.Kes. (Epid)) and academic society of FKM Unimus also participated in the handover agenda. In his remark, the Dean of FKM Unimus stated that PBL will be a learning tools for students to implement any problem solving related to health issues in society.”The main competences should be owned by graduate of undergraduate program of Public Health is to dominate the implementation of public health practices. Whereas, students also can help Puskesmas to do counselling, facilitating, and coordinating with health service institution across program and sectors to implement intervention competence in solving the health problem is the society.” He ended.

Whereas, the Head of Bonang municipality stated they welcomed PBL students from FKM Unimus. He remarked that all of the participants can be such adaptive persons by acknowledging well the characteristic of the people in Bonang and biographic of the society. In addition, he added that all of the participants should promote politeness, friendliness, and able to manage good communication to other.


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