CICI1UNIMUS | Semarang (31/07/2017). In conjunction with the routine Monday morning prayer for all Unimus academicians, Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si. (Vice Rector I) representing the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) dispatched 129 students of educational programs (Chemical Education, Mathematics Education and English Education) who will do an internship at several senior high schools in Semarang. Those schools are 09 Senior High School Semarang, 15 Senior High School Semarang, 01 Islamic Senior High School Semarang, 02 Islamic Senior High School Semarang and Muhammadiyah 1 Senior High School starting from August 31 until the end of September 2017.

Eko Andy Purnomo, M.Pd., the educational internship program coordinator, in his report stated that the participants of the program consisted of 44 students of third semester (Internship I), 40 students of fifth semester (Internship II), and 45 students of seventh semester (Internship III). “Internship I will be held for 10 days, and Internship II and III for 40 days each. Internship I is prepared to build the identity as educator within the students’ souls. Internship II is to give initial knowledge by composing learning instruments, and Internship III is to give initial knowledge as teaching assistants” Eko explained. In addition to getting internship experience, the students-teacher candidates will continue taking further program, Professional  Education of Teachers (Program Profesi Guru/PPG).

CICI2The Vice Rector I of Unimus in her greeting sent a message to the students to always make use of the internship program optimally in order to get knowledge and apply what they have learned. “You shouldn’t only take willingness with you when departing from here but also equip yourselves with materials relevant to the internship so that you will be professional teachers,” she revealed. Furthermore, she stated that the participants of the internship had to keep well-behaved with proper communication. The Vice Rector I expected that the students of educational programs at Unimus will not only become quality and clever teachers but also have good morality in the future.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.
