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Rektor mewisuda wisudawan terbaikSemarang │ May 26, 2017, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held the 26th graduation ceremony, taking place at Patra Jasa Hotel, Semarang. The ceremony began with an open senate meeting led by the chairman, also the Rector of Unimus (Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd.). In this graduation period, 438 students graduated, consisting of 93 graduates from professional programs (nurses and physicians), 245 graduates from undergraduate programs, 4 graduates from Diploma IV programs, and 96 graduates from Diploma programs. Several important figures also attended the event, such as, Dr. Chairil Anwar (Muhammadiyah’s Council of Higher EducationResearch and Development), Amsar, S.H., M.M. (Managing Secretary of the Coordination of Private Higher Education Institutions Area VI), Dr. Rozihan, S.H., M.Ag. (Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java), Daily Advisory Board of Unimus and invited guests including military officers, civilian officials, heads of hospitals, heads of education institutions, leaders of government agencies, chairmen of private companies and representatives of banks.

Vice Rector I of Unimus (Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si.) stated in her report that the graduates were from 7 faculties such as the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Faculty of Public Health. By the 26th graduation period (2017), Unimus has graduated 7,795 students coming from many different places throughout Indonesia and overseas. Among all of the graduates, 8 students were awarded the best graduates, such as Fefi Eka Wahyuningsih  (Professional Program in Nursing)  with GPA 4.00, Diode Yonata (Undergraduate Degree in Food Technology) with GPA 3.88, Maesty Nuringtyas Utami (Diploma III in Health Analyst) with GPA 3.84, Ajeng Fitri Wulandari (Undergraduate Degree in Nutrition Science) with GPA 3.76, Winda Septi Tyasningrum  (Undergraduate Degree in Public Health) with GPA 3.69, Dini Sakinah (Undergraduate Degree in Medical Education) with GPA 3.63, Eva Anis Shofiah  (Undergraduate Degree in English Education) with GPA 3.55, and Shofiyan Adhi Prasetyo  (Undergraduate Degree in Mechanical Engineering) with GPA 3.33.

Wakil Rektor II dan Wakil Rektor III  mewisuda wisudawan Rector of Unimus (Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd.) in his official speech expressed congratulations to all of the graduates that have finished their studies at Unimus. He also congratulated the parents of the graduates, especially as they have entrusted the children’s education to Unimus. He hoped all of the graduates would always give commitments to Islam and Muhammadiyah and also contribute to the nation, like what Unimus always taught to the students by integrating the values of Islam, Muhammadiyah, Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945), Unity in Diversity (Bhineka Tunggal Ika) and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in every teaching and learning activity. The graduates were expected to become the cadres of knowledge, religion, and development in society. “Unimus is committed to the development of Islamic and Muhammadiyah values. Also, Unimus and Muhammadiyah always becomes part of the nation and thus gives contributions to the nation and state” the Rector said. He also stated that supports from the public to Unimus has got stronger in the past 2 years, shown by the increasing numbers of enrollments, around 25% of the quota per year. “Unimus is targeting to have more study programs with the Accreditation A from BAN-PT and also improve the institutional accreditation from Accredited B to Accredited A, through the next reaccreditation.

Managing Secretary of the Coordination of Private Higher Education Institutions Area VI Central Java, Amsar, S.H., M.M., and Dr. Chairil Anwar from Muhammadiyah’s Council of Higher EducationResearch and Development highly appreciated Unimus as it has become the 350th best institution out of over 4,000 higher education institutions existing in Indonesia, and the 35th best institution out of 251 private higher education institutions in Central Java. We hope that Unimus can open postgraduate programs that are needed by the public in the near future.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.


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