Semarang | Unimus (29/10/2018) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) in collaboration with Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education organises Monitoring and Evaluation for Grant Program for Community Empowerment in Rural Area (PHBD). This grant program is one of community service programs that is initiated by students and facilitated by Kemenristekdikti since 2011. This program is joined by 8 participants of 7 chosen universities in Central Java including Unimus. This monitoring and evaluation program presented several reviewers such as Surfa Yondri, S.T., S.S.T., M.Kom. (Director of Politeknik Negeri Padang) and Dr. Tipri Rose Kartika, S.E., M.M. (Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif). Reviewer are warmly welcomed by Rector of Unimus, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd. at FK building of Unimus. This agenda will be conducted for 4 days from 29 October-1 November 2018.
Reviewer of PHBD, Surfa Yondri, ST., S.S.T., M.Kom. accompanied by Rector of Unimus directed the audience
Monitoring and evaluation is a program to explore students’ creativity and to synergise any activities done by students from designing and writing proposal, presenting the programs, field survey, and implementing the program to community empowerment in rural area. The implementation performed by students can be identified such as empowering community in rural area to participate in developing their areas. For instance, exploring tourist object potential, preserving cultural heritage, or stimulating creative ideas to add extra income for the community itself. Unimus sends its representative to this monitoring and evaluation program. They are PHBD team from Coordinator of Commissariat (Korkom) IMM. At least 15 students member of IMM Unimus are working on an excellent program themed: “Pemberdayaan Forga (Forum Warga) Desa Candigaron Berbasis Pengoptimalan Potensi: Alam Dalam Mengurangi Angka Pernikahan Dini menuju Desa Ekowisata”
PHBD Team presented their progress report during the programm
The chair of PHBD team, Ragil Zainuri, students of D3 Medical Laboratory Technology Department (TLM) said that this program aims at eliminating early marriage and empowering eco-tourism in Candigaron area. “The development of eco-tourism is expected to increase community’s income and financial of Candigaron families.” Explained Ragil. By the direction and supervision of Abdul Azis, S.Pd., M.Si. Mathematics lecturer in Unimus, PHBD team run several programs, one of which is developing new tourist object such as waterfall and flower garden in Candigaron, Sumowono.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol