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Kegiatan seminar dipandu moderatorSemarang │ May 13, 2017 Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture (FBBA) at the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held a Regional Seminar on Terms of Electronic Transactions based on the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (UU ITE). College students as well as the public participated in the seminar taking place in Unimus’ Campus 1. Theme of the event was “Law-abiding Intellectual Students as Information Givers”. Delsi Firda Ismaya (English Education student), as chairperson of the committee, explained that the aim of the event was to inform to the students and people in general about the Electronic Information and Transactions Law in order to not share articles of news on the Internet if not equipped with valid data as well as those containing hoaxes.

“Students of the Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture at Unimus are really aware of the increasing number of the victims as well as actors of violations on the Internet due to not getting comprehensive socialization about the Electronic Information and Transactions Law. The FBBA’s Student Executive Board always tries to take part in spreading the vital information so that those who’s participated in the event can implement knowledge that they have got in the real life from now on” she added. There were two guest speakers in the seminar, such as Setyo Irawan Atd, M.M. (Head of Information and Communication Technology Section of the Indonesian Province of Central Java) as the first speaker and Edi Faisol (Chairperson of the Alliance of Independent Journalists for Semarang area). Meanwhile, the moderator was Amelia Kartika Wati, S.Pd.

It was explained in the seminar that electronic information was sometimes misused. That was why rules on the use of electronic information were made to deal with it. The Electronic Information and Transactions Law would make the Internet users more carefully make use of any electronic information. The speakers also said to the participants to sort news and not to just share any unconfirmed articles, because the impacts would be fatal. One could get legal troubles, which were connected to one or some of the articles in the Electronic Information and Transactions Law. Materials presented by the speakers were really relevant and working well proven by the participants who looked enthusiastic in asking questions in the discussion session.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol


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